We drove to Demopolis yesterday to get the boat ready for a few days travel on the Tenn-Tom. We pulled out of the slip and took on 100 gallons of diesel fuel at the fuel dock, then tied up back in our slip and turned on the air conditioner!
It always takes longer than expected to prepare for a trip. I loaded all the tools I thought I might need, then replaced two fans that had worn out and quit working. It took almost an hour to fill the freshwater tanks, and by the time Glenda finished a thorough cleaning of the inside of the boat, and we made a Walmart run for groceries, we were both worn out.
This morning we untied and headed north at 6:15. The water was smooth and quiet. The owner of the sailboat “Teserra” (from Kentucky) was preparing to leave just behind us, also heading north to Columbus. Last night, he and I discussed possible places to anchor tonight. Genesis is a little faster than the sailboat, but we both plan on staying at Columbus Marina on Wednesday, so I’m sure we’ll meet up again.
The lone eagle I saw today didn’t hang around for photos, and neither did the LARGE alligator that Glenda spotted first. Overall, it was a great day on the water - mostly overcast and not too hot as long as the boat was moving. No rain so far.
We got through the lock with no delay, and anchored at Windham’s Landing at mile 286, about 70 miles from Demopolis. Tomorrow should be a short day - about 25 miles to the Beville lock, and the
Columbus Marina is just on the upper side of the lock.
Glenda says:
I am so thankful to be back out on the water and with a new knee to boot. It makes all the difference in the world getting around the boat. It feels a little tight but nothing near as bad as the arthritis pain l had. Still it takes a lot to get going on any trip. But just as soon as we begin cutting through the water early in the morning its worth the trouble. I strained my eyes all day looking for wildlife and was rewarded relatively early.
I saw this young doe grazing around on the bank.
I also saw a large alligator skimming in the water against the current but he submerged before we could get a picture. But we did get this nice photo of a big wild hog.
The breeze was pleasant all day and the sun often disappeared behind the clouds luring me out on the deck. We ate a lunch of ham wraps and chips.
Daisy was sleeping by the back door but did not warn us that a swift had flown into the galley chasing a dragonfly. We just happen to look down from the pilot house and see it desperatly trying to
get out the window. Tom caught it and it flew safely away.
I hope he didnt use any “fowl” language when he told his friends about his mishap. 😛
We arrived at our anchorage around 5. Then my fun began as I watched a chubby groundhog enjoy
his supper on the bank. I’m telling you this is better than Wheel of fortune!